work on paper

Cinco Anos en Conmemoracion de la Massacre Estudiantil
Chile/1978 (calendar)
Solidaridad Internacional con El Salvador [International solidarity with El Salvador]
La Revolucion No La Para Nadie [The revolution stops for no one]
Rally: Boycott all trade with the fascist regimes of Chile & So. [South] Africa
untitled (Chilean scenes of war and Augusto Pinochet)
Viva Chile! Inti-Illimani
Alternatives For The Americas
In Solidarity With The People Of Central America
Queremos la Paz en Centro America: Take the Pledge of Resistance
National Wildlife Refuge System
Mother Lode
Septima Clark & Rosa Parks
We Sahll Overcome
Freedom from Racism & War!
Angela Davis
Angela Davis
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California