Political Posters

The “All Of Us Or None” (AOUON) archive project was started by Free Speech Movement activist Michael Rossman in 1977 to gather and document posters of modern progressive movements in the United States. Though some early works are included, its focus is on the domestic political poster renaissance that began in 1965 and continues to this day. When Rossman died May 12, 2008 his family donated the collection to the Oakland Museum of California. More …

The Archive gathered posters from all streams of progressive activity — from movements of protest, liberation, and affirmative action, trade union and community struggles, to electoral and environmental organizing, community services, and visionary manifestos. It is strongest in work from the San Francisco Bay Area, but its scope is national: approximately one-quarter of its holdings come from out of state, primarily New York City, Boston, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. These are complemented by a representation of international work. The collection consists of approximately 24,500 distinct titles.

The collection includes examples from well-known graphic artists including Malaquías Montoya, Emory Douglas, Rachael Romero, Rupert Garcia, Yolanda Lopez, Favianna Rodriguez, Carlos Cortez, Nancy Hom, Juan Fuentes, and Jos Sances, as well as material from seminal collective workshops such as La Raza Silkscreen, the Royal Chicano Air Force, Japantown Art and Media, Kearny Street Workshop, and Inkworks Press. Perhaps more important, the depth and breadth of the collection reveals the contribution of numerous lesser known or even anonymous artists whose cumulative impact on this democratic public art form has yet to be properly understood. 

The cataloging of the AOUON Archive was made possible by a generous grant from the Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation.


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Poster is mounted on another poster that is red and blue. Back has a red border. At the top right is a sun design with a dove holding a scale in its mouth. In the center is blue diangle text that...

Septima Clark & Rosa Parks

Poster has red and orange ink printed on white paper, with a braided line border. At the top is a plant graphic and "Septima & Rosa / Clark Parks". At the center are photos of the two women...


Poster is modeled after the iconic image of Huey Newton of the Black Panther Party sitting in a wicker chair holding a spear in his left hand and a shotgun in his right. The photo was recreated...

We Sahll Overcome

Poster printed on white paper. At the top and bottom are orange musical scales with black music notes and "We Shall Overcome" in black at the top and "We Shall Live In Peace" in black at the...

Freedom from Racism & War!

Poster has black ink printed on white paper. Text reads "1929 - Martin Luther King - 1968 / rally / to his / dream... / freedom / from racism / & war!" with a stylized image of King at the top...

Angela Davis

Poster has a black and white illustration of Angela Davis printed on white paper with Davis'' name is printed in black at the bottom center.

Angela Davis

Poster has a black and white illustration of Angela Davis printed on a pink and yellow background. Davis'' name is printed in black at the bottom center.


Poster has brown ink printed on yellow paper. At the top is "Wanted" with four illustrations - one of a fist with a broken shackle around it''s wrist, and illustrations of H. Rap Brown, Angela...

Circa 1968

Poster has black ink printed on white paper. At the top is "Free Huey" with a photo of Huey Newton behind bars. At the bottom of the poster is "The Spirit Of The People / Is...

Huey P. Newton

Poster has a black and white illustration of Huey Newton printed on white paper. Centered at the bottom is "Huey P. Newton".

Carl Hampton

Poster has a black and white background photo of a man speaking. Text starting at the left center reads "Carl Hampton / murdered by Houston police, July 1970 / You Can Kill / A Revolutionary, /...


Poster printed on white paper with a central red stylized background with an illustration of a child peeking through a hole in a wall. White text on the piece reads "Revolution! / Nigger".

untitled (human rights activists)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poste rhas white unprinted edges enclosing a black background with stylized images of Malcolm X, Eldridge Cleaver, Huey P. Newton and Le Roi Jones, with their names printed below their image.

Angela Davis
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white photo of Angela Davis printed on white paper. At the bottom center is "Angela Davis".

untitled (faces)

Poster has black ink printed on a green background with stylized illustrations of African American activists.

Wanted: Angela Yvonne Davis

Poster has black ink printed on browning white paper and serves as a wanted poster for Angela Yvonne Davis, released by the FBI. At the top are copies of Davis'' fingerprints, with her photo,...

Sacramento is No Paradise!
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black marker ink stenciled on poster board with text reading "Sacramento / Is No / Paradise! / you had better dig the situation now, / and act. / Join The B.S.U. Now! / Define And...

Be Proud.

Poster has black ink printed on white paper. At the top is a black and white photo of a smiling girl. At the bottom is "be proud."

untitled (Angela Davis)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white photo of Angela Davis speaking.

Angela Davis
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and blue stylized image of Angela Davis, with her name printed at the bottom center.

Angela Davis
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black ink printed on white paper. At the top left and right is "Give / Up?" repeated. At the top center is "who did it? how come? / Angela Davis / gross miscarriage of law and justice...

untitled (Huey Newton)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster is an image of Huey Newton of the Black Panther Party sitting in a wicker chair holding a spear in his left hand and a shotgun in his right.

untitled (Angela Davis)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white photo of Angela Davis speaking into the handheld of a loudspeaker.

Free Angela Davis
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black ink printed on white paper. At the top is "Free Angela Davis / And All Political Prisoners". At the center is a photo of Davis. At the bottom is text by Davis and the contact...

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