Associated Press


Depiction: A large crowd marches down a St. Louis street. Many of them carry flags. All most everyone wears a hard hat. There are three signs for "St. Louis Building Trades Council." Photo...


Depiction: Photo caption reads: Anti-nuke rally. A paper made replica of the Tomahawk missile is placed in front of an anti-nuclear missles rally in Tokyo Monday night. An estmated 5,000...


Depiction: A huge crowd marches through a London park setting. Many people carry large banners and signs relating to anti-war and anti-nuclear weapons themes. Photo caption reads: Some of the...


Depiction: A large crowd sits on and around railroad tracks in front of a stopped train in Washington. Many people hold signs. The photo is taken through the upraised arms of a man who has his...


Depiction: Japanese stand in front of a very European-looking church at night. Many hold torches as they commemorate the bombing of Nagasaki. A grandmother holds the hand of her grandson who holds...


Depiction: Ten people of all ages walk across a Chicago street and carry a papier mache cruise missle. The giant black missle has the world 'cruise' painted on it in white. One person also carries...


Depiction: At least seven men and women lay on their backs and hold hands as they block traffic at the Vandenberg Air Force Base. Two long lines of cars can be seen backing up behind them. A...


Depiction: Five demonstrators sit in the middle of the road and in front of a car with their arms locked around each other. They are wearing raincoats. A crowd can be seen to their left where some...


Depiction: A crowd of people march for peace in Moscow. A sign is carried reading "No to neutron bomb." A striking young woman stands out in the crowd, and the photo focuses on her. Photo caption...


Depiction: Four young boys and girls hold large, handpainted signs in their laps which read among other things, "Stop MX" and "MX=1st Strike." They sit against a fence and a crowd can be seen...


Depiction: A woman is being drug by the arms by two police officers who wear helmets with face shields. She is wearing a white headband which has anti-MX materials written on it. Behind her...


Depiction: A crowd of people march with a banner reading "Foreign experts and students say: No Nukes." Chinese letters are also on the banner. Photo caption reads: A small group of foreign...


Depiction: Men use large wire cutters to cut through the fence around the Peoples' Park in Berkeley. Police stand within the wire fence in the park. Protestors circumfrence the park fence.


Depiction: Two Berkeley police, wearing gas masks, chase a crowd down a city street. A gas canister has just exploded to the right of the picture and people are jumping through the gas trying to...


Depiction: Close up of two young men standing in front of a tear gas cloud and playing a harmonica and a guitar


Depiction: A large group of people fill Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley as they celebrate the 4th of July. A large spray of water hovers over the crowd due to a hydrant being opened. Downtown store...


Depiction: Close up of a young white man sitting in Berkeley's People's Park and contemplating a sappling tree which has been broken at the trunk. Photo caption reads: A University of California...


Depiction: A young man and woman sit on a rooftop in the sun and watch a crowd move through a Berkeley street. They sit in their underwear; the girl is braless. Photo caption reads: Two Berkeley...


Depiction: A woman and two children walk past playground equipment, such as swings and slides, which are fenced in at the People's Park. All the equipment has been piled at on end of the park....


Depiction: Photo looks down onto the People's Park which is now under construction. Two security guards can be seen standing on the property which seems to be a stretch of brown dirt. Photo...


Depiction: Someone has placed a flower in a chainlink fence at the People's Park. Armed National Guardsmen stand on the other side of the fence. Photo cpation reads: Some of the thousands who...


Depiction: Thousands on people fill a street in Berkeley. They march in protest over People's Park. It is aereal view of the city looking down to the people who cover many blocks. Photo caption...


Depiction: Three girls sit in the sun directly in front of armed National Guardsmen who stand almost three rows deep. The men hold bayonetted rifles and wear gas masks. The girls each wear a black...


Depiction: Close up of a large bulldozer tearing up earth in a fenced in area in Berkeley, the site of the the People's Park. The bulldozer is breaking up dirt and cement. Photo caption reads:...

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