oakland municipal airport


A diagonal ground level photo of a row of five hangars, beginning with # 5, looking across a graded dirt field. Four single engine biplanes are in front of hangar 5.


An aerial view of three hangars and the administration building. There is a gap between two hangars and the third one. The hangar at the right has the name "Oakland" painted on its roof, and the...


The typwewritten notation attached to the photo reads "....Oakland Airport Suoperintendent [name crossed out], Fire Marshal Fred Carlson (center) watch George Selig, clad in an asbestos suit...


The typewritten notation attached to the photo reads "[name crossed out], Oakland Airport Superintendent, and Fire Marshal Fred Carlson trying out the airport's new fire-fighting equipment." The...



The Tribune photo, dated November 5, 1934, has the following caption on the back:   "END OF TRAIL--thousands gathered about the U.S. Naval base at Oakland Airport...


A ground level view of Hangar 1 and 2 of the airport at night time. Floodlights illuminate both hangars.


The Tribune photo, dated April 23, 1958, has the following caption on the back: "BIG BUILDING--A C-124 Globemaster, among the world's largest planes, finds ample space for overhaul inside the...

c. 1930

The undated Tribune photo has the following caption on the back: "HANGAR-LINE CHANGING FAST This [touched up] photograph from a plane landing at the Oakland Municipal Airport shows how the...

January, 1949

The Tribune photo, dated January 2, 1949, has the following caption on the back: "The Okalnad Municpal Aiorport as it appears today from the air just as the pilot or passengers sees it as he...


An aerial view of the Oakland Municipal Airport taken over San Leandro Bay, facing north toward San Francisco Bay, the Bay Bridge, and Mt. Tamalpais. The photo identifies various cultural...

August, 1951

An aerial view of the Oakland Municipal Airport taken over San Leandro Bay, looking north. Near the north end on the left there area number of farms laid out in rectangles, while at the right...


The Tribune photo, dated June 24, 1948, has the following caption on the back: "This air marker at Oakland Municipal Airport is the first established since the end of the war [World War II] in...


A ground level view of three, and possibly four, hangars, each with a rounded- arch-shaped roof. The hangar nearest the camera is at right center;it has double bays, each with its own arch roof...


The interior of the Administration Building showing the waiting room, ticket counters, and a post office. A woman and child and a flight attendant [formerly called a stewardess JM 2/6/2001] are...


An aerial view of a row of three hangars, plus a corner of fourth, at the airport, during what is surely a public open house, gauged by the two long rows of parked automobiles in front of the...


The Tribune photo, dated July 16, 1961, has the following caption on the back: "AIRPORT EMERGENCY VEHICLES TOO SMALL, TOO OLD AND TOO WORN But safety recor prove they can still do the job," Fvie...


An aerial view taken over San Leandro Bay looking north on a clear day, toward Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley, Richmond, Marin county, San Francisco, and the Bay bridge. The Oakland Airport is at...

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