latin america

Stop the U.S. War in El Salvador
Chilean Independence Day
Help Stop U.S. Arms Shipments to El Salvador
A Kinder, Gentler Nation?
El Salvador Will Win!!  Gabino Palomares in Concert.
No Vietnam War in El Salvador
No Trade Embargo, Nicaragua Wants Peace
No Contra Aid : Call Congress
Sowing A New Life with the people of El Salvador
No Aid to the Contras
Contras Taking Power?
Nicaraguan Children Killed By Contra
no contra aid!
National Work-A-Day with the People of El Salvador
The Ollie North (Iran - Contra Scam) Official Dart Board
The Chilean Musical Group Quilapayun In Concert
Una Peque?a Bomba Atomica [A small atomic bomb]
Real Hands
Juan Guzm?n: Human Rights in Chile: Then and Now
El Pueblo Unido, Jam?s Ser? Vencido
Chile: 5 Years of Resistance & Solidarity
Chile, 11 de Septiembre 1973
El Salvador: Steps to Freedom
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