Livermore Action Group


Silkscreened onto this blue cloth armband is a "NO" sign over a bomb and the word "BLOCKADER." Used in the Livermore Action Group's protests against the Lawrence Livermore Lab.


Silkscreened onto this yellow cloth armband is a "NO" sign over a bomb and the words, "STOP MX VANDENBERG JAN 23-24." Used in the Livermore Action Group's protests against nuclear proliferation...


A parody of a MUNI ticket. Front shows the words "BLAST PASS" inside a mushroom cloud, and the logo for MUNI morphed into "RUN!". The card is said to be for the "NUCLEAR EVACUATION EXPRESS: SAN...

Used in the Livermore Action Group's protests against nuclear proliferation. Green t-shirt with a navy blue circle in the center with the words "Stop the bomb where it starts, June 21st, Blockade...


Silkscreened onto this cloth is a graphic of a bird in front of a sun and the words, "I Support the Livermore Lab Blockade." Used in the Livermore Action Group's protests against the Lawrence...


Skull-shaped mask with the words, "Nuclear War Designed at Livermore Labs, 30 years" printed on it. Back side says, "Help Livermore Action Group spread the message. Make this mask...


One handbook, 61 pages. The book entitled "Livermore Weapons Lab Blockade/Demonstration Handbook" has a cartoon of a tree with nuclear weapons in its roots labeled and is entitled "Tree Power,"...


One vest used in the Livermore Action Group's protests against nuclear proliferation. The woven synthetic vest with a plastic coating is a red/orange color with blue ties on the side and an...

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