

This is a large basket hat from the lower Klamath River peoples, probably Hupa. It is trimed with two bands of bright green and a single band of light brown fret design. The crown of the hat is...

circa 1910

Demitasse cup and saucer, A: cup, B: saucer. The cup and the saucer are both a deep rose color with metallic gold decorations. A decorative band is just below the outside lip of the cup and the...

c. 1924-1928

This straw cloche is covered on the outside with pink silk chiffon. The brim is scalloped, and edged with binding of turquoise colored silk crepe de chine. The inside of the brim is lined in a...

c. 1950

Hat. Description: Hat, pink stiffened net covered with magenta and pink roses with deep pink veiling; bandeau worn over top of head. Codnition good. Dimensions: 7" x 7" x 3"....


The cups and saucers in this collection come from Della's Tea Cup Cafe, 7309 MacArthur Boulevard, Oakland, which was established in February, 1967. The cafe is noted for, and decorated with, a...


Mixed media wall hanging sculpture in two pieces. The wooden framed piece (A) has a ceramic center decorated with a painted board, a real dried rose, a grid of nails on a gold square and a ledge...

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