

A line of protesters has sat down across an unknown street in Oakland to block traffic. Many more demonstrators line the sidewalks, being held back by police officers. Several members of the...


Three demonstrators are sitting down on the road in front of a large police van, blocking its movement. Several police officers are standing next to the van, looking at the protesters.


Handwritten in blue pencil on the back of the photograph, "Freight being brought into Kahn's Sunday Dec. 1st.--Dec. 7, 1946." Photo shows the street corner at Telegraph and 17th St, in Oakland....


Handwritten on the back, "Wilson, Lionel & self--re. Raiders suit." Photo shows Wilson sitting in a chair behind a long table. On the table is a large group of microphones. Several...


Clipping on the back reads, "Shelton Connerly of Estuary Hellcats is tagged out at third base by Golden Gate's Ralph Gonzales in yesterday's Raimondi League play-off game, which the Hellcats won,...


Bibliography: The Beginnings of Oakland, California A.U.C. by Peter Thomas Conmy, Oakland Public Library, 1961

William Fife Knowland, son of Joseph Russell Knowland, was born in Alameda...


Clipping on the back, "Sep. 6, 1953--Paul Mills, new director of the Oakland Art Gallery." Photo is a portrait of Mills.


Portrait of Bobby Seale standing with head bowed in front of a microphone. A large crowd is sitting on bleachers in the background, many of them holding umbrellas. The front of a VW bus is also...


Clipping on the back reads, "READY FOR DOUBLE TEN--Oakland Mayor Lionel Wilson, front right, and Vice Mayor Marge Gibson, front left, celebrate organizationn of the Oakland Double Ten Classic, a...


Photo shows an interracial group of picketers in front of the Tribune building. They are holding signs that say "No Material for Vets Homes, Plenty For Knowlands Tower, Why!" "Who Ruptured Our...


Portrait of Congressman Ron Dellums at a press conference at the Hyatt.


Clipping reads, "George Powles (left), McClymonds High basketball coach, gives Frank Robinson (center) and Brady Hord a few last minute instructions as they prepare for their Oakland Athletic...


Photograph shows Black Panther leader Huey Newton leaving jail. Hand written on the back, "Newton leaving jail August 17, 1974 on $42,000 bail. He fled country- jumped bail." Clippings also on...


Clipping on back reads, "May 22, 1949-Here we have the start of the 10th annual Tribune marathon about the shores of Lake Merritt in 1922. There were 177 starters that year, and 146 of them...

WWII Veterans Picket For Housing

Photo shows a protest in front of the Tribune building. The protestors are an interracial group of World War II veterans protesting Senator Knowland's not backing lower income housing in the...


Photo of the parade in celebration of Armistice Day. Handwritten on the back of the photo, "Col. Chas. [Charles] Young Post 269, American Legion." Photo shows an all black marching band led by...


Clipping on the back of photo reads--"June 24, 1952-- Achievement awards for community service were presented last night to Mrs. Chlora Hayes Sledge (left), past president of the California State...


Clipping on back reads, "September 21, 1942--Paul Robeson, noted Negro Baritone, led Moore Shipyard workers in singing the Star Spangled Banner yesterday after telling them: 'This is a serious...


Accompanying article which appeared with a series of photographs which included this one in the Oakland Tribune, June 4, 1966, reads:

"These Marines are farther north than any other U....


Printed on back of photo: "Gum Lum, the dramatic 165' Golden Dragon is the dramatic finale to the Chinese New Year Parade live on KTVU/Channel 2, Saturday, February 15 from 6-8PM repeated Sunday...


From back of photo - caption from beneath published photo: "NEW PRESIDENT - Mrs. March Fong (left) of Oakland, pesident of American Dental Hygienist Assn., congratulates Mrs. Beverly Leggett of...


Five "[m]oon-faced monks and lion-teasers prepare for their contribution to Chinatown parade night festivities." (Quote from newspaper caption on back of photo.)

Row of five people...


Text of caption from newspaper photo: "Takes Office - Mrs. March K. Fong (right) of Oakland accepts the gavel denoting presidency of the American Dental Hygienists' ssociation from Miss Margaret...


Group of soldiers at Oakland Army Base cheering surrender by Japan ending World War II. From description pasted on back of photo: "1945 On August 10, at Camp Knight, the old Oakland Army Base,...

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