

From caption on back of photograph: "Workmen load outsized piece of equipment aboard world plane. Air cargo activity, particularly to the Mideast is boon for Oakland-based airlines." A large...


From back of photograph: "Skyline 9 1/4 m yearbook #993" Sweeping photograph of the skyline beyond the Oakland Hills. A road bends around the hills in the proper right of the photograph,...


From caption on back of photograph: "These four Sisters of the Holy Names were honored at a Golden Jubilee celebration yesterday at the College of the Holy Names. Left to right: Sister Mary...


From back of photograph: "Orchestra. Holy Names College." An orchestra of college students. The women are mostly seated in chairs on stage; a few in the back stand. All wear matching white...


From caption on back of photograph: "Practicing for the program of Christmas music which the College Choral of the College of the Holy Names will present in the school's auditorium at 3:15 p.m....


From caption on back of photograph: "The annual 'Field Day' at College of the Holy Names brought out the old and new in sportswear. Left to right are Dorene Franzen, in modern wear; Benny Fahey,...


Commencement exercises were held at the College of the Holy Names today. Among the 28 graduates were (first row, left to right): Carmelita Berge, Margaret Trotter, Barbara Drucks, Grace Cavagnaro...


From caption on back of photograph: "Rose Irma Cortese is shown receiving the Bachelor of Arts degree from the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Harold E. Collins during commencement exercises yesterday at the...


From caption on back of photograph: "Degrees of bachelor of art and bachelor of music, as well as diplomas, were conferred yesterday upon graduates of the College of the Holy Names, a portion of...


From caption on back of photograph: "Scholarship winners at College of Holy Names include (front, left to right) Carmel Jacklin, Rita Burman, Rita O'Neill, Marian Albarello, Joan Rilla, Patricia...


From caption on back of photograph: "New student body officers at the College of Holy Names include (left to right, front row) Mary Milani, treasurer; Gladys Keller, president; Nadine Paolino,...


From caption on the back of photograph: "The traditions of 56 years marked graduation exercises yesterday at The Anna Head School in Berkeley. This panoramic scene shows the processional of the...


From caption on back of photograph: "Doris Thrall (front), of Oakland, is crowned queen of the College of Holy Names Mardi Gras by Mary Louise Goffroy (rear center), festival 'king.' Princesses...


From caption on back of photograph: "Sze-ize, the Chinese golden dancing lion, pranced along Eighth Street yesterday, gobbling up dollar bills for the benefit of the Chinese Hospital in San...


From back of photograph: "5 1/2 width Weekend 2-7-92". From caption on back of photograph: "The A's are entertaining little fans, Chinese New Year's celebrations begin and the Black History Month...


From back of photograph: "New Year, Chinese dragon, lion dance". A close-up image of the head of a lion costume, probably during a nighttime Chinese New Year's parade. At the far proper right of...


From back of photograph: "Oakland Chinatown". From caption on back of photograph: "This, ladies and gentlemen, is a distinctly humane dragon, which roved Oakland's streets last night. Although...


From back of photograph: "Chinese dragon dance" A full massive Chinese lion dance costume is laid out along the ground. A man appears to be in control of its head. Several Chinese American men...


From back of photograph: "Costume dance at Lake Temescal Country Club. L to R Virginia Moran, Marian Johnston, Dorothy Perry, Lucille Anzalone, Anne Cole. College of Holy Names" Five ladies are...


Black and white proof print with photograph of Cincinnati Reds baseball player Frank Robinson waiting his turn in court. He is wearing a suit jacket and is surrounded by others, also seated in...


Black and white photograph of light heavyweight boxing champion Archie Moore (center) with former heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey (right) and Moore's boxing manager Lynn Plattner (left). Moore...


Black and white photo copy proof print with black and white image of Frank Robinson (left) with Los Angeles City Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky (right). Yaroslavsky is presenting Robinson with a...


Black and white portrait photograph of Frank Robinson in a white jersey and a Baltimore Orioles baseball cap. Cap is two-tone in color and has a logo depicting a bird's head wearing a baseball...


Black and white portrait photograph of baseball player Frank Robinson. Robinson is in uniform with a white jersey and a baseball cap with what appears to be a bird logo. [May be a Baltimore...

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